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Perspective and Connection

Friends, Think quick. If I told you I hiked the tallest mountain in the world (as measured from Earth’s center) where would I be? If you said the Himalayas, you’d be wrong! When measured this way, Mt Chimborazo reaches 7,096 ft. higher than Mt. Everest. Trying to catch my breath as I reached 16,650 ft above sea level (some 3,000 ft below the summit), it struck me that while the hike was exhilarating, the up-close pictures weren’t as pretty as those taken from afar. Sometimes, you need a little distance to truly appreciate something. It’s about perspective (forest and trees). It’s also about connection (absence and fondness). As you wrap up your week, grab a donut and consider how proud you’ll be of the work you’re doing today when it’s done. Happy Friday!
Recent posts

EDR Leads to BSOD

Friends, The CrowdStrike EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) issue that’s disrupting businesses worldwide this morning got me thinking about another EDR: the Employee Dining Rooms at Yellowstone National Park. When I worked at the Lake Lodge back in the ‘90s, we decided the ‘E’ in EDR stood for Ethnic, on account of the cooking staff’s experimental cuisine. Although my colleagues complained, I thought their audacious food was mostly good. Then again, I’m pretty open to wandering beyond the safe realm of donuts and coffee. Lately it seems the common denominator in my dining experiences has been a large form factor. I’m talking big food, ranging from a 36” pizza to a 400 lb pig. With so many BSODs (Blue Screens of Death) shuttering businesses this morning, maybe it’s time for your own BSOD (Blatantly Spectacular Outrageous Diet). Happy Friday!

Psychic Donuts

Friends, Too many arguments, quarrels and misunderstandings happen because we suck at mind reading. Yet we expect others to possess this skill. Divine our mood, guess the gift we want, avoid our hidden landmines… read the room. We go around a colleague’s back telling others about their failings, yet we fail to tell them. Here’s a thought: let’s be direct with each other. No more beating around the bush, walking on eggshells or hidden resentments. Just tell it like it is and be open to learning new things about yourself. And while you’re at it, have a donut and enjoy the ride. Well, at least have a donut… it’s a start. Happy Friday!

A Fifth for the Fifth?

 Friends, Happy 5th of July! A day destined to live in the shadow of its predecessor. On a day like today, 248 years ago, I fancy members of the second continental congress, hungover from the declaration after-party, anxious about what comes next. ‘Did we do the right thing?’, ‘Is there irony in having our general share the king’s name?’, ‘Should we make the noble turkey the national bird?’… ‘That last fifth of scotch was a really bad idea!’ I hope this quasi holiday finds you relaxed, enjoying a long weekend. If not, hopefully you have a donut in one hand and coffee in the other as you make ready for your next adventure. Happy Fifth!

Statler vs Waldorf

Friends, Did you watch the debate last night? Yeah, me neither! The prospect of decrepit vs. deceitful was as appealing as walking barefoot over broken glass. Watching paint dry wasn’t an option (I’m 3,333 miles away from my freshly painted house) so I spent a quiet evening at home pondering random ideas. Thoughts such as the fact cheap steakhouses are booming thanks to cheapskates leaving their houses in search of cheap steaks. Or, throwing a third party for the third party responsible for my text message failures — or perhaps writing them a verse, after all their name is Syniverse. Or how cool it is that donuts only have one surface. If you had the misfortune of watching Statler debate Waldorf last night, I'd love to hear your take on it. If not, I'm proud of you. Happy Friday! Key debate moment. Photo credit: The Jim Henson Company

Summer is Here!

Friends, Summer has officially arrived, its long warm days a harbor of carefree outdoor activities. And while adulting gets in the way of summer vacation, I will be spending a good chunk of it in Ecuador --albeit working from home. I guess technically that means it's winter for me... however, this close to the equator, we don't get four seasons. This solstice, I was reminded there’s nothing colder than a hot summer day in Houston. Seriously, what’s with the inverse correlation between a locale’s weather and how high they blast the AC? Such blatant overcompensation hints at a special kind of bravado. Wearing my bomber jacket at Houston Intercontinental Airport, I pictured the HVAC team going “You can’t store ice cream at room temperature? Watch me!" Brrr... fortunately there's a Dunkin' in Terminal E so I was able to enjoy my final northern hemisphere donut for a while. Here's hoping you have a fun summer ahead of you and that your plans include a donut (or more


Friends, Time disguises us with old age, Whether or not it makes us sage. Mirrors lie, Strange reflections look us in the eye. Ringing ears, wrinkles, gray, Stiff, tired, small aches here to stay. Could it be? In my mind I’m twenty three. As each instant flows through me, Like a stream I cannot see. Not confined, There is more to us than space and time. In five dimensions I believe, Our whole life is within reach. Always there, Every moment that we’ve shared. And now I know I’ve gone too far, Too long winded, too bizarre... Donut time! Thank you for putting up with my rhyme. Happy Friday!