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Showing posts from December, 2008

Fortunately, Donuts are Here

Dear members and constituents, Can you believe this is the last Friday this year we will be sharing donuts? Even more incredible, the next donut Friday is on January the 9th, 2009! What to do? During times like this, I find it useful to think of those less fortunate than me. The businesses getting sub-standard telecommunications services because they are not yet Level 3 customers. The homeless having to seek shelter so the sub-freezing overnight lows don't kill them and their kids. The millions living in sub-Saharan Africa below the poverty line, wondering where their next meal (let alone a donut) is coming from. Three weeks without donuts does not seem so bad now, does it? Fortunately, today we feast on warm donuts, thanks to Jeff Martin, our donut boy. So bring your holiday cheer down to my office and enhance it with a donut or two. And since I won't be writing these "manifestos" the next couple of weeks, let me take advantage of this opportunity to wish you a Merry...

Out-of-Control Donut Urge

Dear Members and Constituents, Do you ever get the feeling things are a little out of control? Sometimes I do. I feel no sense of control over the current mass-hysteria-induced self-fulfilling downward economic spiral. People hear a recession is going on, so they take evasive maneuvers -which feed the aforementioned recession. A little closer to home for me, the surprise passing away of an aunt and this week's round of lay-offs were two things that have recently made me feel like a helpless spectator. Whenever I get that feeling, I focus on those things I can control. I control my facial muscles to smile as I control my fingers to type this message. I was recently made aware of some Christmas lights you can control over the web. Even better, it's totally free and benefits Celiac Disease research (you know, folks who cannot eat donuts because they contain gluten -I can't think of a more appropriate cause) Now, if -like me- you feel an uncontrollable urge to consume a donut...

The Hiatus is Over

Dear members and constituents, Has it been two weeks? Somehow it seems longer. Perhaps it's the fact so much has happened. Mumbai, Thanksgiving, black Friday, cyber Monday, recession is official, snow and a new COO. Perhaps it just seems longer because, unless donuts are traditional Thanksgiving fare in your family, chances are you've gone two weeks without one. I am leaning towards the latter: two weeks without donuts is just too long to go without. Hopefully you're in the office on this bright, crisp late-Fall morning so you can swing on by and bite into your favorite variety. Jen Artley provides the circular pastries to break our fast (breakfast, get it?) Happy Friday!