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Showing posts from July, 2005

Donut Re-Charter

"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." -Eleanor Roosevelt Dear members and constituents, After much thought and consideration, I have decided the donut club must live on if it can. It seems to me that a fair approach is to institute a "high end criteria" in the Donut Club, whereby all members are aware that there is an expectation that donuts will come from a "donut boutique" and not be "supermarket bought". For those whose commute does not allow for convenient pick up of donuts at a donut boutique, they can fall back on the internal Level 3 ‘Time Wise’ to pick up donuts at the donut boutique. Conversely, my commute takes me in-front of a LaMar's and am willing to take the 5 extra minutes to buy the donuts (when I'm in town) if you let me know the day before that you can't do it. I...

No donuts today

Dear members and constituents of the Friday Donut Club, It has been over 14 uninterrupted months that on Fridays my desk has had donuts (I know there were muffins one Friday). I believe it is easy to take a good thing for granted and the absence of that thing can lead us to value it more. I know that is the case for me today as I long for a sweet pastry and feel the void in my office. I am still in the process of soul searching to determine whether or not to continue this proud tradition. To those of you who did without breakfast on the expectation donuts will be here today, may I recommend you get something at the cafeteria before it's too late :-). I don't think we've seen the end of Donut Fridays yet... Stay tuned. [Nanette Zeile suggested] Suggestion to this tradition. Continue with Donut Club with the high end criteria. For those whose commute does not allow for convenient pick up of donuts at a high donut boutique, they fall back on the internal Level 3 ‘Pressed for T...

D-Day (D is for Donut... That's good enough for me)

Folks, I apologize for the late notice. I am working from home today (sick as a dog) and presume Viana has made me proud and has some assortment of sweet pastries at my desk. I got a dozen responses to our donut survey as follows: A. Donut Purists: 4 B. Donut Tolerant: 5 C. Donut Pragmatists: 3 It has also been reported that Matt Wilson left the company on account of the fact this issue was so near and dear to him (the official response is that he went to work for a company out in Boulder, but we are still investigating). We seem to be fairly evenly divided. I will ponder on these results. Meanwhile, if anyone has ideas on how to proceed, I am open to them. Happy Friday! [Viana Pandey wrote] Donuts are in JP's office - I am a purist by the way. [Stacy Jackson wrote] Here’s how I see this: The purists will always buy donuts from a donut shop. The tolerants will also always BUY donuts from a donut shop (but will EAT supermarket donuts when they’re bought) Only the pragmati...

Happy Friday

Dear members and constituents, Donuts are here courtesy of yours truly and Mr. Ray Lamar. Glazed are still hot, so please come and enjoy. Last week we posed a question that cuts to the heart of what I believe to be something that has been eating at some of our members. The question is whether Grocery Store donuts meet the test for "real" donuts. The results are in. Drum roll…. 6 - Abstained from voting 6 - Believe we should all purchase donuts at a "real" donut store (includes person who sent the controversial e-mail) 4 - Believe donuts are donuts -even if they come from King Soopers One member went as far as to say that if buying donuts at a donut store was a requirement they would have to quit the club. There appears to be a clear division in our constituency, and with so many abstaining from voting, it is hard to tell what the majority feels. Given this division, I have given a lot of thought as to whether it is worth it to keep this noble effort going or if I sh...

Donuts are here (start of the donut controversy)

Dear members and constituents, An oddity has occurred… Donuts were here at 7:20 when I arrived. No, I did not intentionally wait 20 minutes to send out this notice so I could cherry-pick. My records show John Guillaume is to thank for today's batch. Please come by and enjoy. On a housekeeping note, next Friday marks the finale of the current donut cycle. Unless folks feel strongly one way or another, I was thinking I would repeat the order in which donuts were brought in this time around, which means that after Viana brings in donuts next Friday, I would start off the rotation the following week, then Matt W. and so forth. If I don't get better ideas, I will be sending out meeting requests for your donut turns next week. Happy Friday! [JP Gonzalez added] Members and constituents.The following issue has been brought to my attention and, unless addressed may be the downfall of the donut club. I thought you should collectively know. I have received similar verbal comments from sev...