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Showing posts from April, 2009

The Word is Flat

Dear Members and Constituents, Is flat good or bad? When Thomas Friedman stated "the world is flat", he redefined the arcane notion of a non-spherical world and changed it to mean a level playing field, thus giving it a positive spin. When it comes to marathon running, Greek bread and New York living, flat is good. Soda, tires and singing, not so much (the latter can get you a scathing rebuke from Simon at American Idol). When you think about it, the word flat is neutral, occasionally taking sides based on the context and speaker's intent. Donuts, on the other hand are always good, especially on a Friday morning. This Friday morning, Kim Carroll treats us to an unimpeachable selection of Krispy Kreme donuts. So, don't get caught flat-footed; make that move to flatten the competition. The energy you need is waiting to be released, conveniently packaged in the form of a humble donut. Happy Friday!

Sun, Fog or Snow, Donuts are a Go!

Dear Members and Constituents, I've said it before and I'll probably say it again: what a difference a day makes. Wednesday -Springtime . Driving with the ragtop down, enjoying the fresh and delicious air coming into my lounges. I close my eyes, the fresh breeze acts as a time machine taking me back to my childhood for a fraction of a second. Long enough to be perceived yet short enough to be just out of reach. Thursday -Scotland . The unusual onset of a ghastly blanket of fog creates a surreal rendition of the Highlands in Broomfield. What mysteries lie beyond the white shroud, just out of sight? The chill that hits the bones sets in by late afternoon. Friday -Siberia . Snow and sleet up to three feet with hints of the Goulash and thoughts exile up and down the street. While the weather may be fickle, our will to provide you with donuts every Friday is strong! Tina Telson debuts as donut girl today with five "dozen" Winchell's donuts. If you were brave enough to ...

Billion American Dollars Seem Highly Insignificant Today -(coin your own acronym)

Dear Members and Constituents, It's not clear whether Everett Dirksen (who served in the U.S. congress 1933 - 1969) ever uttered the infamous phrase "a billion here, a billion there and pretty soon you're talking real money". It is clear, however, several recent news stories seem to imply a billion dollars is not "real money". The U.S. is contemplating $1.2 Billion in aid to Pakistan which, according to analysts, is unlikely to buy us much (if any) good will from their people The $7.2 Billion broadband stimulus package will not make a meaningful dent in the disparity that exists between urban and rural broadband availability. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated the administration's budget could bring about $9.3 Trillion (12 zeroes) in deficits. Heck, Bernie Madoff, a single individual, was able to defraud investors out of $65 Billion (what's a billion among friends?) It's intuitive to me that a Billion dollars (nine zeroes) buys elected...

Some Serious Donuts have Arrived

Dear Members and Constituents, There appear to be a lot of folks out there taking themselves a bit too seriously these days. The leaders at the G-20 summit in London. Serious. The protesters outside. Serious. The pundits reading between the lines. Serious. The satellite radio company. Sirius. Heck, even the NY Yankees are debuting a $1.5 Billion stadium this year, full of granite coverings and themselves. That's some serious spending on a pastime (even if it is the national pastime). Seriously, a lot of serial seriousness going on out there. Something needs to be done to counter-balance the somber mood, and I know just the thing. It's infantile, immature and unproductive. No, I'm not talking about about that co-worker who keeps sending you chain e-mails. I'm talking about yo' mama jokes. You know what I'm talkin' about. Picture in your mind's eye a ghetto scene with two kids going back and forth indulging in this offbeat, off color, offensive humor. Are ...