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Showing posts from July, 2006

The Adventures of Donut Boy

Chapter 1 -- Awakenings Like a ghost in the early morning fog, donut boy made his way to that office he knew so well. He could recite the number off the top of his head: 31A-216. That was the location where, like so many times before, he was to deliver the precious cargo. Two dozen of Ray LaMar's finest. As predicted, no one was there when he made his delivery. Jeff knew from the early hours he was accustomed to working that there rarely was anyone in the building at 7:00 am, yet the fact that it was donut Friday sometimes motivated folks like JP, the usual resident at that office, to arrive earlier than their usual 7:15 on the off chance the pastries would be there early… or just to drink coffee and await the arrival of the donuts. Not today. It took 3 seconds for Mr. Allen to deliver his precious cargo and vanish into the bowels of 31A. Mission accomplished he thought to himself as he went on to do his day job. To be continued… While I have your attention (or assuming I have not ...