Dear Members and Constituents, Tumbleweeds roll down office hallways and cobwebs grow rampant on deserted keyboards. Creaking doors and phantom steps accompany us as we reminisce on how quickly yet another year has left us behind. 2011 lays on its death bead, clinging to it’s final seconds of life (just 144K of them left as of 8:00 AM). With many folks enjoying R&R (myself included), the office can become a rather surreal place. On days like this, routines, old habits and traditions can us help restore a sense of normalcy. A stroll to the break room for a coffee, a confident glance at the checklist with all the accomplishments awaiting you today, a quick fifteen minute read of your industry blog of choice. And so it is with donuts. This morning, I have it on good authority that on his debut as donut boy, Mon Miah has delivered an awe-inspiring selection of LaMar’s donuts. Since I’m not there to enjoy them personally, I will have to savor them vicariously through you. They await...
Donuts are part of the magic that makes life so sweet. I founded the Level 3 Friday Donut Club in 2004 and ran it until my departure in 2015. It had a three year run at Windstream and is now virtual, but at its peak, we had a rotation of 50+ folks who brought donuts every Friday. We had three simple rules: (1) five dozen (2) boutique shop donuts (3) by 8:00 am. This blog memorializes these e-mails to share my thoughts (and, once upon a time, announce the donut arrival). Have a happy Friday!