Fr iends, Have you ever wondered how the Arkansas capital got its name? Little Rock. I mean, if I were the one doing the naming, I would have probably gone with some massive or impressive landmark or feature –think Mammoth Hot Springs or Grand Prairie (I’d even accept Boulder as semi-legitimate name). But Little Rock? Wouldn’t there be LOTS of little rocks (i.e. pebbles) in the same vicinity? So, of course, on my trip to HQ earlier this month I was determined to find-out from the locals. Fortunately, an opportunity presented itself at happy hour –admittedly, not the best time for a history lesson— so, take this with a grain of salt. While there were different versions (details such as whether it was the French or the Native Americans who gave the place its name), the consensus was that the French had settled “Le Petite Rocher” (a clever French toponym meaning “The Little Rock”). The name itself derives from a small outcropping of rock where the Arkansas river could be forded (in...
Donuts are part of the magic that makes life so sweet. I founded the Level 3 Friday Donut Club in 2004 and ran it until my departure in 2015. It had a three year run at Windstream and is now virtual, but at its peak, we had a rotation of 50+ folks who brought donuts every Friday. We had three simple rules: (1) five dozen (2) boutique shop donuts (3) by 8:00 am. This blog memorializes these e-mails to share my thoughts (and, once upon a time, announce the donut arrival). Have a happy Friday!