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Showing posts from October, 2024

How do you SHU?

Friends, People are not great at putting large numbers in perspective. Take spicy food. I think most folks would agree with me that a 5,000 Scoville Heat Unit Jalapeño pepper is pretty spicy. Follow it with a Rocoto pepper at 250,000 SCUs and you’ll probably say it’s hotter, but I doubt you’d tell me it takes 50 Jalapeños to get the same burn. Now say, hypothetically, someone received a bottle of Ají Escorpión hot sauce for their birthday last month (names have been omitted to protect the guilty). Say also they were foolish enough to spread some over their meal without reading the label (you’ve tried one hot sauce, you’ve tried them all, right?). Given this particular brand is made with Trinidad Scorpion peppers and clocks in at nearly 1.5 million SCUs, that person might go running for a leftover Salt Donut and then proceed to discard the remainder of that otherwise delicious fried rice. Needless to say, it’s going to take a while to finish that birthday gift. Happy Friday!

Donut or Lifebuoy?

Friends, When confronted with a sea of work it's tempting to dip your toe rather than take the plunge into the deep end. The prospect of the monumental swim can be paralyzing. But once you're in, the water is brisk and the dip invigorating. Granted, distractions can make it so your attention and the tasks you're trying to accomplish are two ships passing in the night.You skim the surface and struggle to reach the depths you were meant for. But if you hold your breath and just keep swimming, joy awaits at the shore. Like they say, drain the ocean one teaspoon at a time (okay, maybe they don´t say that, but maybe they should). And with that, it feels appropriate that I head out to the Salty Donut. They recently opened a beachhead in Colorado. I hear good things. Ahoy mateys! Happy Friday! P.S. Peek-a-boo!