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Showing posts from September, 2006

Happy Friday

Dear members and constituents, The sun is shining in the sky, the three day forecast calls for beautiful weather and donuts are here. What could be grander? I'll tell you what. Having a donut in one hand and a cup of piping hot coffee in the other, that's what! You know it's in your power to do it. Make time for yourself and come on down to 31A-216 (you know the place). I know you're busy, but I tell you, you won't regret it. You get some time to think as you walk on over and all the energy you get from the sugar and the caffeine will propel you to the next level of productivity. Rich DiGeronimo gets the credit today for stopping by Winchells on his way in. We are delighted to have available for immediate consumption a couple dozen specimens from the aforementioned boutique doughnut shoppe (notice the old world spelling, I personally think it adds a touch of finesse and distinction to this e-mail). Happy Friday!

Happy Friday Morning

Dear members and constituents, As I drove in this morning in the pre-sunrise dim I could see a layer of frost covering the mountains. This brought a smile to my face because, of course, it reminded me of the frosting that was sure to cover many of the donuts brought in today. The anticipation (and quite frankly the appetite) has been building up since then. To imagine the sweet smell, the sensation of a glazed donut as it melts in the mouth… And I have not been disappointed. On this, her third appearance on the Friday Donut Club rotation, Carolyn Reuss delivered like a pro. Two dozen of LaMar's are here and begging to be devoured. Happy Friday!

Happy Friday

Dear Members and Constituents, Today we are again delighted to see pastries from Ray LaMar's donut shop as the selection du-jour. This is Shaun's debut in the club, so I am sure he would welcome your feedback as to selection and timeliness (nudge, nudge, say no more). So, without further preambles, come and get your donuts! Happy Friday,

The early bird gets the donut

Dear members and constituents, I hate to admit Mr. Bonilla made it in before I did which means I was welcomed to my desk this morning by the sweet smell of Donuts. A couple dozen of Winchell's finest is the fare for today, so come and delight your taste buds with these sinfully delicious pastries. Happy Friday!