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Showing posts from July, 2009

Rainbows and Donuts

Dear Members and Constituents, As the rain poured down on my drive home last night I saw it. A bright, glowing, complete rainbow. Amidst the rain, there it was. A product of the moisture breaking-down the light into its component wavelengths, reminding me the sun would come-up tomorrow. While I was watching it, it hit me. Red is on top and violet on the bottom of the rainbow. Yet we use the term " INFRA red" to name frequencies beyond red and " ULTRA violet" for those beyond violet. Infra means below, however red is on the top. Likewise Ultra means above, yet violet is on the bottom. And what’s with the naming convention inconsistency anyway? Infra’s corresponding prefix would be Supra… Fortunately, as promised by the rainbow, the sun did come up this morning (and there was no need to bet my bottom dollar). Now, picture, if you will Shirley Jane Temple singing… this morning, this morning, there’s donuts you this morning, they’re here, not a day away (thanks to Bill

Life is Good (So are Donuts)

Dear Members and Constituents, How often are you reminded life is good? It could be the cool morning air caressing your skin or the sense there’s a huge world out there waiting to be explored by you. Perhaps it’s a good night’s sleep or an accomplishment that eases you into this comfort zone. It could be the anticipation of a long awaited event or just the fact you’ve given yourself the time to breathe in the air and fill your lungs full to the brim as you slowly exhale. The walk up that hill that releases your endorphins, the glance at the beautiful person next to you that makes your heart skip a beat, the smell that triggers that fleeting childhood memory. The innocent hug from a child. Sometimes it seems all too easy to forget life is indeed good! (I won’t go through the litany of distractions that prevent us from enjoying life as designed). Today, Jill Daugherty (donut girl) provides another reminder to feel right as rain. Donuts. Dozens of delectable donuts decorate my desk. So dr

Voting (buttons) for superior J.O.E.

Irony [ahy-ruh-nee] the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning Dear Members and Constituents, I’d like to meet the marketing professional at Sara Lee Corporation who came-up with the name “Superior Coffee” (you know, the stuff in our break room). This person must have (1) a dark sense of humor (2) cojones the size of Alaska and/or (3) lost all touch with reality. Grab a bag and you’ll read it’s not just “Superior”, it’s the “World’s Finest”. But wait, the irony does not end there. The marketing spin goes-on to claim: “It matters. Every pot of coffee brewed. Every sip of coffee tasted. That’s why we put our passion for coffee into every cup you pour. It’s mattered to us since 1908. Superior Coffee. Every cup counts.” Wow! That’s the kind of stuff that gives marketing a bad rap. And yet, we drink it (at least I do). Why? Two words: convenience (it’s there) and cost (the price is right). I think the time is right for a social experiment (inspired by

Mid-Summer Morning Dream

Dear Members and Constituents, The morning's delightful the day's not too hot this note may be artful or maybe it's not The economy is scary but trends seem more stable it has people weary though food's on most tables And speaking of eating the donuts are ready so stop all that reading and plot a new heading For Carlos Belloso brought five dozen donuts each one looks "hermoso" (beautiful in Spanish) now come-on, get on it! Happy Friday!

Sweeter than a Friday Donut

Dear Members and Constituents, The holiday weekend is half-a-day away. We all know what's coming... Weenies are hiding in a dark corner of your fridge hoping they can avoid being grilled. Fire crackers are sure to loose their temper and blow-up over starry skies. Life is sweet! You can almost feel that drop of condensed water falling off your ice-cold brew and rolling onto your cheek as you wipe your brow and contemplate the possibilities. Life is sweeter!! And, donuts are here. Life is sweetest!!! You'd think it would be impossible to improve on that good feeling. You'd be wrong. There is one sure way to add to that feeling of overall goodness and that is to do something good for someone else. You might, for instance, sponsor Dee Jones' 157 mile bike ride to raise funds for the Children's Hospital. She's dedicating her ride on the 2009 Courage Classic to 3 1/2 year old Cullen McReynolds (pictured). Less than a month ago Cullen was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma,