Dear Members and Constituents, This morning, as I turned my radio on, I was horrified to hear of a global network of censors being used in conjunction with the Japan nuclear disaster fall-out. Censorship… why? I could understand a totalitarian regime like the ones crumbling in the middle east using a network of censors, but… and then it hit me. Sensors. That made a lot more sense. I felt silly. Like the closed captioning typist who was fired from her job for transcribing a story of Gorillas in Colombia. The folks putting the English language together must have a dark sense of humor. Why else would words with diametrically opposed meanings sound identical? Sensors inform you while censors hide things. Gorillas lead peaceful lives, secluded from the chaos of modern life while guerrillas are literally “little wars”. You raise a building and, when its useful life is done you raze it. Along the same lines we have donut vs. do-not. This morning, I encourage you to grab a donut, so do-not be ...
Donuts are part of the magic that makes life so sweet. I founded the Level 3 Friday Donut Club in 2004 and ran it until my departure in 2015. It had a three year run at Windstream and is now virtual, but at its peak, we had a rotation of 50+ folks who brought donuts every Friday. We had three simple rules: (1) five dozen (2) boutique shop donuts (3) by 8:00 am. This blog memorializes these e-mails to share my thoughts (and, once upon a time, announce the donut arrival). Have a happy Friday!