Dear Members and Constituents, Reading a can of can of Clorox Spring Mist Disinfecting Spray a couple of days ago, I was struck by a discovery (I will let you draw your own conclusions as to how I came to be reading this material—suffice it to say that it didn’t involve the higher levels of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). I discovered the fine print on the can states “it is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling”. I could certainly understand if such use would void any warranty, but violating federal law seems a bit much. After all, there are other federal and state laws covering a broad range of dos and don’ts, are there not? Shouldn’t that be enough? Must I now be afraid of a lawsuit if, as the product labeling states, I don’t let the surface remain wet for 10 minutes before wiping it clean? (who does that anyway?). Seems a tad extreme. And what’s the penalty? I don’t know, the can didn’t say. So as you come over to my des...
Donuts are part of the magic that makes life so sweet. I founded the Level 3 Friday Donut Club in 2004 and ran it until my departure in 2015. It had a three year run at Windstream and is now virtual, but at its peak, we had a rotation of 50+ folks who brought donuts every Friday. We had three simple rules: (1) five dozen (2) boutique shop donuts (3) by 8:00 am. This blog memorializes these e-mails to share my thoughts (and, once upon a time, announce the donut arrival). Have a happy Friday!