Dear Members and Constituents,
Reading a can of can of Clorox Spring Mist Disinfecting Spray a couple of days ago, I was struck by a discovery (I will let you draw your own conclusions as to how I came to be reading this material—suffice it to say that it didn’t involve the higher levels of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). I discovered the fine print on the can states “it is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling”. I could certainly understand if such use would void any warranty, but violating federal law seems a bit much. After all, there are other federal and state laws covering a broad range of dos and don’ts, are there not? Shouldn’t that be enough? Must I now be afraid of a lawsuit if, as the product labeling states, I don’t let the surface remain wet for 10 minutes before wiping it clean? (who does that anyway?). Seems a tad extreme. And what’s the penalty? I don’t know, the can didn’t say.
So as you come over to my desk this morning and grab a donut (courtesy of Eric Rosenberg –donut boy), you should consider how Krispy Kreme would want you to use their product. Before you play finger hula hoop or don a pastry monocle, consider the legal ramifications. Or, as the law abiding citizen I’m sure you are, you can simply enjoy your donuts as designed –just don’t get carried away, big brother may be watching.
Happy Friday!
