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Showing posts from November, 2016

Donuts for the Friday before Thanksgiving

Friends, Thanksgiving day is just around the corner, which has me thinking about gratitude. Today, I take the liberty of sharing some of them with you: W inter weather. It’s finally here, bringing with it beautiful scenery and much needed moisture. I nspiration. Without it, this note would simply read “donuts have arrived”. N ature. Awe-inspiring, soothing, soul-enriching nature. D onuts. Duh! S pecial friends. It’s the same kind of special used in “special education” T hanksgiving break. A time to recharge by counting our blessings. R andom conversations. You know, the ones that put a smirk on your face. E lections are over. What a relief! We can go back to beer and blue pill commercials during football games. A wesome colleagues. You make coming to work fun. M y family. I’m a lucky guy, what can I say. In case you missed it, the list is also an acrostic (sorry for the not-so-subliminal message). In any event, grab a Holy Donut, and while you’re  enjoying it, ...

Good day, donuts!

Friends, My morning commute was a reminder of how good life is. The crisp air blowing through my beard as I drove my ragtop fast in the pre-rush hour freeway was invigorating. Watching the sun paint the clouds, as if using a bright orange highlighter, inspiring. The buildings downtown, glimmering mirrors reflecting the dawn sky, beautiful. The view out my office window, spectacular. I find that when negative thoughts try to invade my head, the best remedy is to pause and count my blessings. Family and friends. Awesome colleagues. Beautiful weather and awe inspiring mountains. Coffee and donuts. This morning, as you prepare to make that final push for the week, don’t forget to savor a donut (Holy Donuts are here!) and, if you’re up to it, share something for which you’re grateful. Happy Friday!