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Showing posts from 2004

Bonus Donuts

Friday Donut Club members and constituents, In an unanticipated act of holiday spirit, and well aware that I could not bear to have a week without donuts, Mr. Ken Good has brought in a dozen and a half (I told him not to bring any more because so many people are away today). If you're in the mood, come and get a donut to celebrate the end of the week (even if it isn't Friday) Happy Wednesday!

Donuts are Here

Dear members and constituents, Just a reminder: most of the donuts, bear claws, cinnamon rolls and assorted sweets Kim Carroll brought in have not yet been consumed. I alone can't make a big enough dent on the 3 dozen. Happy Friday!

Donuts are here!

Friday Donut Club members and constituents all, It gives me great joy to announce today was my turn to bring in donuts. Due to growth (in membership as well as appetites) it had become apparent that two dozen donuts was no longer going to cut it, so I have brought in 36 (12 filled and 24 "holy"). Come and get them (while they last ;-) Happy Friday!

New Donut Desk -- 31A-216

Friday Donut Club members and constituents, I regret (am pleased) to inform you Friday Donut congregations will no longer be held at 31A-601. No, the temptation to eat too many donuts has not gotten too strong and I have not gotten tired of having the donuts at my desk. However, I have moved and therefore the donut supply is now located at my new desk. The location is 31A-216. Those of you having to walk shorter distances can think of it as convenience, while those of you traversing longer stretches can justify it as exercise that helps burn-off the calories consumed. In fact, you may go for an extra donut today due to that fact. Bart has arrived with the cargo. He informed me he has robbed the United Way of 3 dozen Krispy Kremes, so come help yourself to some loot! Happy Friday!

Donuts are here

Donuts are here and they are good! You know you want them, so come and get them. Don't forget to thank Mr. Stocker (sounds a lot better than Mr. Ed) for this week's delicious assortment. Thanks,

The second round of Donuts is set

Dear Friday Donut Club members and constituents, After a successful first round, we start a second Donut Fridaypalooza with momentum on our side. By now each of you should have received a "0 duration" meeting invite which will trigger a reminder the Thursday morning before YOUR donut day. The final list is as follows (in case any of you needs to trade spaces due to travel or vacation). Ed Stocker 10/1/2004 Bart Writer 10/8/2004 Carlton Bonilla 10/15/2004 Janis Kupferer 10/22/2004 Jeff Allen 10/29/2004 Joe Salame 11/5/2004 JP González 11/12/2004 Kim Carroll 11/19/2004 Matt Wilson 12/3/2004 Mike Coar 12/10/2004 Oliver Davis 12/17/2004 Rex Engelking 1/7/2005 Rich DiGeronimo 1/14/2005 Yvonne Tofel 1/21/2005 John Guillaume 1/28/2005 John Schoder 2/4/2005 Stacey Jackon 2/11/2005 You will notice a couple of new names. Ed Stocker is among this "fresh blood" and he has indicated he is scoping the Donut Factory and 128th and US 36… it's only Tuesday ...

Jersey Shirt Friday

Dear Friday Donut Club members and constituents Given the success of Donuts on Friday and in a blatant attempt to push the envelope (also given the fact that the dog days of Summer are over), Matt Wilson has proposed (and I second) that Friday all donut club members (and anyone else desiring to do so) wear our favorite Football, Soccer or other team's Jersey. We hope "Jersey Shirt Friday" will catch-on and think of how much we can save on napkins if the casual attire empowers people to clean the donut crumbs on their own shirts… is that environmentally friendly or what? Imagine, Friday, donuts (courtesy of Joe Salame) wearing your favorite team jersey… who needs the weekend. Pass it on!

3 Dozen donut Friday

Ladies and Gentlemen We have a challenge set forth by Jeff Allen. He has unilaterally decided to raise the bar and bring in 3 dozen assorted donuts… from Krispy Kreme no less! This means that each and every one of us is going to have to make a sacrifice and eat an extra donut if we are to stand a remote chance of finishing these. Also feel free to invite your colleagues, there should be enough for everyone (and who knows, we might get some extra members out of this :-) Happy Donut Friday!

Donut reminder

Dear Friday Donut Club constituents As many of you know (because I've seen you at my desk) donuts have arrived. Carlton Bonilla has made me proud to be a Friday Donut Club Member. A couple dozen of Winchell's finest. For those of you in whom the pavlovian conditioning which associates Fridays with donuts has not yet sank in, this e-mail should serve as a reminder (the proverbial bell Pavlov used, if you will). The donut selection is still very broad, so come over and help yourself. Happy Friday!

Donuts are here

Hey gang! It's been a short month and I'm back. Donuts are at my desk courtesy of Kim Carroll. The first dozen is already gone (and no, I am not solely responsible for that level of consumption), so there is still plenty of sugar to go around. Happy Friday!

Donuts will be in at 9:00

Folks,   Sorry for the delay. I traded spots with Joe Salame and cannot make it into the office until 9… my sincere apologies, but perhaps just the thought that donuts will be in will hold you over until they are ready. Also, those donuts will taste that much sweeter due to the wait ;-) Thanks, -JP ================= Gentlemen (and lady),   I will be traveling to Ecuador for a month starting on 7/20 and returning 8/20. During this time each of you will be "donut boy/girl" (I'll let you decide which description matches best). Fate has put it in your hands to maintain the Friday donut club as the vibrant institution it has become. There should be a reminder already set on your calendar to go off the day before you need to bring donuts in. If for any reason you cannot make it, please trade with someone else or have someone else bring the donuts in on your behalf (as well as follow the requests below). My schedule shows the following order. 7/23 Rex Engelking...

Donuts are here!

Donut lovers all, Yvonne has brought in a couple dozen sweet donuts, and not just glazed… I see sprinkles, colors and even some jelly and cream filled pastries. They are sitting in my office (which means they are at a higher risk of being consumed by me). Come on by and celebrate donut Friday the right way… with a donut in your left hand and the beverage of your choice in the right. Happy Donut Friday!

Donut Friday... Early

Dear club members and constituents, Given the fact that Monday is a holiday and that Richard Shimizu (aka "donut boy" for Friday) is traveling that day, we have donuts today… I know it sounds a little crazy to eat donuts on a Wednesday, but I'll try anything once ;-) Donuts are at Richard's desk (Interlocken - 31A-216). Happy Donut… Wednesday!

Donut Friday Reminder

All, Happy donut Friday! I've been in meetings so did not get a chance to remind you, but thanks to Mr. Wilson, we had 28 of Winchell's finest at my desk this morning (I say had because inventory is down to 13 -- over 50% consumption without a reminder, not bad!) In any event, please feel free to swing by my desk and grab a donut or two.

Friday Donut Club member welcome -we have a Baker's Dozen!

Dear founding members!  It is a great honor and pleasure to inform you the charter membership for 31A's Friday Donut Club is set (with an honorary 32C member). Fittingly enough, we have 13 members (a baker's dozen) on the initial roster. This means each of us will only have to bring in a couple of dozen donuts once per quarter. We may be able to stretch this out a week further if folks want to buy donuts at LaMar's (I have a LaMar's donut lover's dozen card we could all use to get a free dozen with every 11 purchased).   I have made arbitrary decisions regarding a couple of topics: Number of donuts to be brought in. Two dozen should be enough (if we start seeing shortages, we will adjust this number upwards). This should account for someone inevitably being out (I will personally be out 4 consecutive Fridays in July/August) and a couple of donuts (average) per capita (some will have more, some less, I'm sure). Order in which donuts will be brought in. I...

Friday Donut Club for 31A

Here is an idea… Let's have a Friday Donut Club for 31A. You may be asking yourself "What is a Friday donut club? ". It is very simple. Every Friday a different member brings a couple dozen donuts (this number may vary depending on how many people actually warm-up to the idea) and shares them with the rest of the group. Membership is voluntary and open to all donut lovers. One thing to keep in mind is that this will be a donut club, not a bagel club or a cup-cake club… plain and simple, if you don't like it… start your own club ;-). If you want to join, stop by my desk sometime today. I have brought in a couple dozen donuts to help give the club some initial momentum. Drop in even if you don't want to join! Please forward this e-mail to anyone you think would be interested in participating. I will create a list of everyone who signs-up and assign a rotation schedule. The larger the list, the less frequently you will have to bring donuts in. If you cannot come in, ...