Dear Members and Constituents,
The polls are closed and sixteen votes have been tabulated (sweet!) in the search for the most popular donut. For those of you who did not get to see the results, it turns out Glazed donuts ran away with 43% of the vote. While I had sort-of expected glazed to win, it seems like up until late in the contest they were barely holding ahead of Bavarian Crème.
The late surge in voting causes me some pause (you know what they say, vote early and vote often), so I take the results with a grain of… sugar.
Of course, you probably have plenty of reasons to find fault with the methodology (sample size, ability to only choose one donut, etc.). Be that as it may, the lesson learned for me is bring a variety of donuts when you have donut duty, don't assume your favorite donut will be a hit with everybody. I have posted a new poll on the Friday Donut Club blog: What's your favorite donut place?
Speaking of favorite donut places, Ms. Nanette Zeile picked what has become the club's workhorse: LaMar's
for today's selection. So come enjoy these tasty treats and have a Happy Friday!
The polls are closed and sixteen votes have been tabulated (sweet!) in the search for the most popular donut. For those of you who did not get to see the results, it turns out Glazed donuts ran away with 43% of the vote. While I had sort-of expected glazed to win, it seems like up until late in the contest they were barely holding ahead of Bavarian Crème.
Of course, you probably have plenty of reasons to find fault with the methodology (sample size, ability to only choose one donut, etc.). Be that as it may, the lesson learned for me is bring a variety of donuts when you have donut duty, don't assume your favorite donut will be a hit with everybody. I have posted a new poll on the Friday Donut Club blog: What's your favorite donut place?
Speaking of favorite donut places, Ms. Nanette Zeile picked what has become the club's workhorse: LaMar's
for today's selection. So come enjoy these tasty treats and have a Happy Friday!