Dear members and constituents,
Have you ever wondered whether the time of year one is born has any bearing on one's personality? Now, don't get me wrong here, I find horoscopes to be vague and open to being fulfilled by a broad variety of events. It does seem to me, however, that in parts of the world where there are four marked seasons, the experiences of a baby born in winter are likely to be very different than those of a baby born in the summer. One is bundled up in the beginning and transitions to milder climate by the time they are 6 months old. The other starts out with more outdoors experiences and then is confined to an interior world when winter comes. It seems quite plausible that
the experiences of this first year of life happening in such a different order and at different formative stages would have some effect on that adult's preferences. That, of course, makes me wonder if there is any pattern to our membership's birthdays. Could there be a statistically meaningful glimmer of insight from such a mundane activity as the preference towards and consumption of donuts? Perhaps. Then again, donuts may be a universal positive everyone likes no matter the sequence of experiences in their first year of life. We may never know.
Happy Friday!
Have you ever wondered whether the time of year one is born has any bearing on one's personality? Now, don't get me wrong here, I find horoscopes to be vague and open to being fulfilled by a broad variety of events. It does seem to me, however, that in parts of the world where there are four marked seasons, the experiences of a baby born in winter are likely to be very different than those of a baby born in the summer. One is bundled up in the beginning and transitions to milder climate by the time they are 6 months old. The other starts out with more outdoors experiences and then is confined to an interior world when winter comes. It seems quite plausible that

One thing we do know for certain is Shaun Andrews is the proud father of a baby boy. And while this boy's first experiences may differ from those of a boy born in the summer, one thing is for certain, donuts are in his DNA. Shaun honors us today with an assortment of LaMar's donuts that ranges the spectrum of donut kind, with representatives of the glaze, cake and specialty varietals. So whether your first year of life gave you a propensity to steer towards glazed or it made you prone to favor apple fritters, come experience the joy of donuts in your own special way (along with a hot beverage of choice, of course!)
Happy Friday!