If you were only allotted a certain amount of happiness
over your lifetime, would you spread it evenly? Or, would you dot your
chronology with pinnacles of joy jutting out of the doldrums? On one hand, the
lump sum payment approach to happiness likely comes with a high tax (is there a
circuit breaker that would be overloaded preventing you from fully appreciating
that moment? And, how long can that concentrated dose of joy tide you over?).
On the other, the peanut butter on toast approach to happiness may seem safe,
however, with a steady dose of happiness and no contrasts it may be possible to
forget you are happy. As with most things, balance is probably the key and,
fortunately, there’s likely no pre-set spending limit on the happiness you can
have. Still, there is something to be said for absence making the heart grow
fonder. Case-in-point, with no pastries in the office last week, this week
donuts somehow seem better. So come reacquaint your taste buds with the joy of
a good Holy Donut.
Happy Friday!