Messing with people’s minds can be fun. You know, the way a
public radio program director plays the ‘support for NPR comes from…’ advert,
immediately followed by a fund drive –no news for you mister! Lately, I’ve been
tempted to go down to their level and engage in similarly despicable tactics.
Here’s a few ideas:
- Have you seen the Italian
American custom license plates? You know the ones with a little American
flag next to a little Italian flag centered in the frame. Well, what if we
painted an even smaller emblem of a brown eagle sitting on a cactus in the
white space of the green white and red? It doesn’t even have to be that
detailed, just a few strokes and, voila, they’re now proud of their
Mexican American heritage.
- Adopt a random conspiracy
theory and defend it. Admit it, that could be a lot of fun. As a
conspiracy theorist, you are now allowed to believe in any preposterous
notion and dismiss any inconvenient evidence –after all, powerful interests
are engaged in pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes, so they could have
doctored-up any evidence you’re presented with. Just pick a few choice inflammatory
catchphrases and you’re ready to get under anyone’s skin.
- Brew decaf in the regular
coffee pot. On second thought, this one is not particularly good.
Psychosomatic effects being what they are, I bet nobody would notice. Then
again, seeing folks invigorated by what essentially amounts to useless hot
brown water could be fun.
- How about bringing donuts
in on a Thursday? You get my e-mail and all day you’re excited about the
weekend, except… there’s another workday yet to come because it’s not
Friday yet!
Wait, I actually just did that last one. So if you’re in the
south Denver office today, come on down for a sweet treat. Sorry. Not sorry.