Sometimes, I’d like to stop time, capture a perfect moment
and make it permanent. Yet, hard as I try to grab the fleeting and hold on,
it’s not possible. Grapes must be harvested, leaves must fall, days must
shorten and weather must turn. Snow will fall and, before you know it, make way
for green sprouts to blanket the earth once again. Months make years, and
decades make a lifetime. Yet, somehow, everywhere is here and it’s always now.
Time’s constant churning tills the soil of my experiences and renews life all
around me. I may begrudge that perfect moment's passing, but without change,
I’d be stuck. I’d never see all the other perfect moments, waiting for me, just
a blink away. So, what’s perfection? That’s a loaded question. I have a feeling
it may involve a quiet conversation, coffee and a donut. I suppose I'll head-on
down to Baked n' Denver and grab me some
Happy Friday!