Matching actor names to faces is a hit-and-miss exercise. Name a celebrity and my eyes may gloss over. Mention roles they’ve played and the odds of recognition improve —of course a picture is worth a thousand roles (thank you Google!). Speaking of which, did you know you can get a celebrity to record a personalized video message at Want a pep talk from Brent Spiner (Data from Star Trek)? $299. How about a threatening birthday message from Danny Trejo (Machete)? $140. You may not be able to get Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe), but Lucius Malfoy (Tom Felton) and Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) are $599 and $250 respectively. So, the next time you’re at a loss as to what to give that special person who has everything, why not have Newman from Sinefeld (Wayne Knight) creep them out? It’s probably worth the $330 price. And, if that’s too rich for your blood, Dunkin’ Ducks is only $15. Better yet, a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts is always a welcome treat.Happy Friday!