There’s no better way to become self-conscious than by reading your conference call transcripts. Seeing your linguistic crutches on display can be embarrassing. On calls, I repeat words and short phrases multiple times as my brain tries to catch up with my mouth. If repetition is the key to mastery, I arguably sound masterful. Ironically, the faster I speak (perhaps a subconscious attempt to sound smarter), the more I seem to be stuttering (which has the opposite effect). It turns out that no matter how fast words come out of my mouth, the rate of the information I share appears to be constant. This means I really should try to slow down. Take a deep breath, be deliberate, pretend I’m eating a donut and savor each word. Speaking of repetition, check out this photo. Some bureaucrats thought it would be a good idea to put a bunch of bicycle-themed signs on the same pole. I think there's still room for a couple more. You can never have too many bicycle signs... or too much cowbell.
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday!