Remember that time I had AI write the Friday Donut blog? That was two years ago, a more innocent time when ChatGPT was a novelty. I remember the mix of amazement and fear while experimenting first-hand with the object of all that hype on this very medium. While I have reluctantly embraced GenAI for work, I have not used it as a writing aid for this blog. It feels like cheating – besides, I don’t need to increase my productivity, and I regularly meet my extravagant adjective quota. I have, however, given some thought to the role of AI in society. The way I see it; the bottom line is AI is acceptable as a tool at the service of humanity. So long as AI is attempting to make it faster and more convenient for us. So long as the content it produces is for humans to consume. So long as there is a person at the end of the line, I’m OK with AI. The minute AI starts creating content for AI, that’ll be the time to start worrying. In the meantime, enjoy your donut and be nice to your future overlords.
Happy Friday!