Dear Members and Constituents,
It's 08/08/08 (at 08:08 AM). Is that cool or what! Why do I find this pattern fascinating? Why does that smooth succession of zeroes and eights somehow make the date (and time) seem special? Perhaps it's just my innate desire to predict, and even control the future that subconsciously attract me to patterns in general. Let's face it, whether we care to admit it or not, we all find things like symmetry, balance and repetition appealing because they give us the false illusion of control.
Perhaps it's the fact that zeroes resemble donuts and eights (sideways) resemble the character used to represent infinity. Just think: donuts intermingled with eternity: what a soul soothing thought. Then again, perhaps it's just the fact that this is the first time in over a month I will get an opportunity to consume a donut that has got me all giddy.

Whatever the reason, the fact is donuts are here, thanks to Danelle Vitale, who was torn between delegating to TimeWise and being here in person --ditching her sonogram appointment to find out if she's having a boy or a girl. In the end she made the questionable call of going to her sonogram appointment. This marks the end of the current rotation. I will be making a new list to take us through 4/17/09 (please be sure to let me know if there are any Fridays you are aware of between now and then during which you cannot make it -- if I don't hear from you I will assume you are OK with any Friday)
It's 08/08/08 (at 08:08 AM). Is that cool or what! Why do I find this pattern fascinating? Why does that smooth succession of zeroes and eights somehow make the date (and time) seem special? Perhaps it's just my innate desire to predict, and even control the future that subconsciously attract me to patterns in general. Let's face it, whether we care to admit it or not, we all find things like symmetry, balance and repetition appealing because they give us the false illusion of control.
Perhaps it's the fact that zeroes resemble donuts and eights (sideways) resemble the character used to represent infinity. Just think: donuts intermingled with eternity: what a soul soothing thought. Then again, perhaps it's just the fact that this is the first time in over a month I will get an opportunity to consume a donut that has got me all giddy.
Whatever the reason, the fact is donuts are here, thanks to Danelle Vitale, who was torn between delegating to TimeWise and being here in person --ditching her sonogram appointment to find out if she's having a boy or a girl. In the end she made the questionable call of going to her sonogram appointment. This marks the end of the current rotation. I will be making a new list to take us through 4/17/09 (please be sure to let me know if there are any Fridays you are aware of between now and then during which you cannot make it -- if I don't hear from you I will assume you are OK with any Friday)
Happy Friday (it's good to be back!)