Dear Members and Constituents,
Change has been in the air this week. Literally. Hail, tornadoes, donuts are late... when did Denver become East Kansas anyway? In keeping with this theme -change- I thought I'd depart from my usual discourse and give recognition to some special folks who deserve it (for a change). Seriously, have you noticed we are surrounded by a disproportionate share of talented people? (which, of course, I take for granted). Today I will focus on just three such folks: the local voice product team, or as I like to call them... the Voice and Stuff Girls (any similarity to a syndicated cartoon that's been around for many years is quite intentional).
Averaging a product each, these deceivingly sweet ladies drive a tough bargain, single-handedly maintaining order over their domain.They effortlessly enable communications (providing a bridge to the public telephone network) and ensure public safety (enabling 9-1-1 calling) without even breaking a sweat. Alright, so they can't fly (the similarities had to end somewhere), however, thanks to their heroic efforts, the day has often been saved for the citizens of Phoneville. Speaking of "sugar, spice and everything nice" (with perhaps a dash of "chemical X"), donuts are here. Scott Reardon makes his debut today as "donut boy" with a far-from-ordinary selection. Sure, he's a little late (suffice it to say all failsafes in place failed this morning), however, thanks to some last-minute heroics, donuts have finally arrived! This morning, you too can be a hero (in your own way). Slip on that anatomically-correct body armor of yours, wrap that cape around your shoulders and help me rid my desk of this donut invasion (one sweet bite at a time).
P.S. On the off chance you have not had the opportunity to meet the team in person, this is them in real life. You be the judge.

Happy Friday!
Change has been in the air this week. Literally. Hail, tornadoes, donuts are late... when did Denver become East Kansas anyway? In keeping with this theme -change- I thought I'd depart from my usual discourse and give recognition to some special folks who deserve it (for a change). Seriously, have you noticed we are surrounded by a disproportionate share of talented people? (which, of course, I take for granted). Today I will focus on just three such folks: the local voice product team, or as I like to call them... the Voice and Stuff Girls (any similarity to a syndicated cartoon that's been around for many years is quite intentional).
P.S. On the off chance you have not had the opportunity to meet the team in person, this is them in real life. You be the judge.
Happy Friday!
[Gabe Grice replied with this comment]
Enterprise Voice, the anime…
