Dear members and constituents
Last Sunday was national talk like a pirate day. Did you neglect to observe it as well? The way I see it, today is as good a day as any to make it up, after all, pirates are not known for their timeliness. The first thing to decide is what kind of a pirate will you be talkin' like? After all, piracy is not the exclusive domain of the Irish. If you're thinking intellectual property piracy, it seems China is the place to be these days (Ecuador would also do, however, given the modest size of it's population, it is not top of mind). As for more traditional lines of piracy, Somalia seems to be home to most modern seafaring pirates (the newsworthy ones anyway). Of course, the obvious choice is the Hollywood varietal. So here goes nothing:
Argh matey! The mess hall be overflowin' with round delicious treasure. So, unless you be wantin' to walk the plank, get off the poop deck and wander on down. Yo ho, donuts and a bottle of rum for ye! In true pirate spirit, cabin boy Roger Greene, was threatening sabotaged the loot by purchasin’ only old fashioned sour cream. Neptune's beard be praised, he didn’t fulfill his threat.
Happy Friday!
Last Sunday was national talk like a pirate day. Did you neglect to observe it as well? The way I see it, today is as good a day as any to make it up, after all, pirates are not known for their timeliness. The first thing to decide is what kind of a pirate will you be talkin' like? After all, piracy is not the exclusive domain of the Irish. If you're thinking intellectual property piracy, it seems China is the place to be these days (Ecuador would also do, however, given the modest size of it's population, it is not top of mind). As for more traditional lines of piracy, Somalia seems to be home to most modern seafaring pirates (the newsworthy ones anyway). Of course, the obvious choice is the Hollywood varietal. So here goes nothing:
Argh matey! The mess hall be overflowin' with round delicious treasure. So, unless you be wantin' to walk the plank, get off the poop deck and wander on down. Yo ho, donuts and a bottle of rum for ye! In true pirate spirit, cabin boy Roger Greene, was threatening sabotaged the loot by purchasin’ only old fashioned sour cream. Neptune's beard be praised, he didn’t fulfill his threat.
Happy Friday!