Dear Members and Constituents,
Happy NDD! (National Donut Day). Imagine if they'd called it
American Donut Day (ADD), wait, I lost my train of thought, where was I?. Right.
On this day we celebrate several donut milestones. We anticipate Dunkin Donuts'
imminent arrival to Denver and their newly launched donut
breakfast sandwich –donut + bacon + eggs = yum! We also cheer Voodoo Doughnut’s
decision to go beyond Oregon with a store
on East Colfax –gritty + scary + sleazy = ideal location! Finally, we applaud
Mack Greene's bewildering selection of four dozen LaMar's specimens. Assuming
you are not out-and-about getting your free
donut at a local shop, you can come get yours right here. Cheers!
Happy Friday!