They say luck is the confluence of opportunity and
preparation. That can certainly be said for a set of circumstances that
happened to me whilst volunteering on the Safety Team at the Great American
Beer Fest. As we were setting-up on opening day one of the organizers came to
our group and asked for someone who spoke fluent Spanish. Naturally I
stepped-up. It turns-out Telemundo, a Spanish language news station needed
someone they could interview. So, I got my two seconds of fame talking about
pretzel necklaces on a fluff piece about the GABF. Had preparation been absent
(if I had I not been a volunteer, had I not known something about the beer fest
and had I not spoken Spanish) I would not have been interviewed. Similarly, had
opportunity not presented itself (the urgent request for a Spanish speaker)
still nothing. The confluence of the two made this possible. This morning you
have the opportunity (donuts have arrived) and the preparation (you’re here),
so come get lucky. There is a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts waiting for you.