Summer is over. Alright, you’ve technically got one more day
to go out and enjoy the season -and what a day it’s shaping-up to be! Driving
into the south Denver office this morning, dark mauve clouds hanging over the
downtown area had sunrise paint their underbelly a bright shade of amaranth.
The backlit buildings, dark diamond-studded pillars, provided a beautiful
contrast to the orange sphere rising in the east. The only fly in the ointment
is the fact low light pictures taken while driving 55 miles per hour never
turn-out right, so memories are all I have of the spectacular sight. The crisp
morning air blended with the donuts in my car gave off a subtle rose petal
scent, harmoniously complementing the scene. With a forecasted 80 degree
high, it’s the perfect day for everything but complaining. If you’re in the
office this morning, come enjoy a donut. I realize it’s not Friday yet, but
hey, tomorrow’s a whole season away.
Happy Thursday!