My kids sometimes tease me for using big words. Curious, because I try to keep my language simple and straightforward. Still, with so many words out there, it's tempting to throw-in an obscure term once-in-a-while. New words sometimes come from unexpected sources. This week, it dawned on me that Netflix was one such source. While I wouldn't call the shows I've been binge watching particularly educational, I have picked-up a new word here and there. Let's see if you can guess the show from the word (clicking the links takes you to the wikipedia page for each show).
- Peaky. A particular style of hat. This beautifully-produced series about an English gang, notorious for sewing razor blades into these hats, roars through the twenties.
- Sassenach. An oft-disparaging way the Scotts (and Irish) say something or someone is from England. If you drank a shot every time the term was used as a pet name during this show, you'd be drunk after every episode (unless you've conditioned your liver like a good Scott, that is).
- Baskin. A term used to vent frustration. Usually preceded by "Carole" (or, infrequently, "Howard"). It's used in catchphrases such as "$*¢#**§ Carole Baskin", or "Carole Baskin is a &!$¢#". In hindsight, this was the least educational show I've watched in a long time (dont' judge me!)
Happy Friday!