My brief stint as a graffiti artist involved the letter "Z" (borrowed from "Zorro"), some chalk (borrowed from my 6th grade classroom), and several walls on my way home (borrowed as my canvas). This week, memories of this "gangsta" childhood moment came rushing back, triggered by some utility graffiti in my 'hood (neighborhood, to the uninitiated). The 811 gang (a.k.a. the 'call before you dig' crew) has been tagging sidewalks and streets with the "Zorro tie-fighter" sign. Like their Star Wars counterparts, the spray-painted orange eye sores never seem to travel alone. They're lined-up every few feet to ward-off rival gangs. Who knew a gang war of epic proportions could be brewing in the deceptively tranquil Denver suburbs? You may naïvely buy into the illuminati fake news that these markings are actually pointing-out communications (orange) fiber conduit (tie fighter symbol) going both ways (the letter "Z"). Any good conspiracy theorist knows the most salacious story is always the best explanation --Occam's razor be damned! They also know donuts are halos delivered for humanity's salvation by angels --the more you have the better a person you become. So have yourself a donut and the next time you're out-and-about, keep an eye out for these messages hidden in plain sight.
Happy Friday!