With Colorado hosting one of the nation’s most competitive senatorial races, science news has been a welcome source of relief from political coverage and mud-slinging advertisements. Deep space exploration and deep sea discoveries are a great escape from the deep divide our politicians like to cultivate and exploit. Hmmm… sounds like a challenge. Maybe, I can be the one to politicize these discoveries. Challenge accepted!
- Have you checked-out the new comet? Look northwest an hour after sunset, and just below the big dipper you’ll see NEOWISE comet! If you are in the northern hemisphere, that is –sorry southern hemisphere folks. How does this comet get away with discriminating against half the planet? Literally!
- There’s a new X-Ray map of the sky with twice the X-Ray sources as its predecessor. On closer examination, it looks suspiciously like POTUS watching a solar eclipse (I’ve augmented the original SRG spacecraft image to highlight the resemblance). BTW, the spacecraft that took the photo is part Russian… coincidence?
- Did you catch the article about “Vantafish”? The nickname, a play on Vantablack, refers to the fact these ultra-black fish can absorb up to 99.956% of the light aimed at them, making them invisible in the ocean floors where they dwell. Unfortunately, the process of catching, cataloguing and photographing them kills these odd-looking critters. This needs to stop folks. Black fish matter #BFM.