Dear Members and Constituents,
As I made my way to work this morning, letting my mind
wander to the lazy hum of the overboard motor and watching a pod of dolphins
swimming in my wake I got to thinking: 300 days of sunshine, my donkey! Someone
decided it would be funny if Coloradans had to walk in Seattle’s shoes for a
week. With the weather the way it’s been, I suppose a good share of you are
probably working from home today. Those of you who decided to brave the
elements will be glad to hear, Karin Ratchinski (donut girl) has an impeccable
backstroke, which means she managed to keep four dozen Winchell’s donuts dry
for you despite making the perilous swim from the parking structure. So, as you
keep your thoughts on Lyons, grab a bear claw and make your way to the ark.
Most of all, try to stay dry.
Happy Friday!