Serendipity. The occurrence and development of events by
chance in a happy or beneficial way. Like my being at the Denver Convention
Center for the Great American Beer Fest last night led me to wonder why there
is a big blue bear peering in. It turns-out Lawrence Argent, the artist, was
inspired by locals’ curiosity about what goes on in the convention center
(never really knowing from the outside what goes on inside). Serendipitously,
he saw the picture of a bear peering into a house and liked the playfulness.
Serendipitously, his printer rendered his concept in blue instead of the
sandstone colors he had planned. Serendipitously, bears are important to the
Ute tribe. Serendipitously, blue is a level of spiritual enlightenment for
them. And so, it is by a happy chance that I stumbled upon an interesting topic
for this morning’s note. I hope you remain open to serendipity in your life.
Who knows, maybe you’ll run into a new donut shop or find a new favorite
Happy Friday!